
Complete failure!!

Where to begin??  Yesterday was a complete disaster!! 
In adition to the shoe purchase I headed to Target while my girls were at dance rehearsal.  I only needed laundry detergent and allergy eye drops for my daughter.  I came away with laundry detergent, two storage containers, 2 packs of Soft Lip lip balm, the eye drops, 3 magazines and a package of beef jerky.

The lip balm is my favorite and I use it many times a day.  My down fall was the two new flavors that have come out....mint and rasberry.   Could I have done without them...yes.  Result Impulse buy!

The storage crates I have been thinking about getting.  One for scrapbbok supplies, the other to house our Wii games.  Did I need to buy them yesterday....no...Result Impulse buy!!

The magazines I'll just admit right now I have an addiction to cooking magazines.  Could I have done without them...absolutley...Result Impulse buy!!

The Beef Jerky......I'm PMS and craving salt and was hungry.  Result Impulse buy!!

Total spending $86.07
Total impulse spending $52.59


More shoes

Ugh, I thought I was doing so well.  No spending yesrterday at all and then today I dropped $83.33 on shoes for myself.  I bought 4 pair, only one of which I truly needed.  A pair of tennis shoes since mine are split down the side.  The other 3 are just cute spring shoes I couldn't pass up.  Oh, I tried.  I ignored their call to me from the shelf.  I wasn't going to try them on, but in the end my will power was defeated.  I'm a shoe addict aswell, I guess I should just admit that along with my admition to being a shopaholic.

Ugh, tomorrow I'll try no spending again!!

Todays spending total $83.33
Todays Impulse spending $83.33



New Shoes

Today I had to take my girls to get new shoes for a dance recital they will be in on January 9th.  Their dance instructor wants all the girls in black converse or similar shoe. 

My girls each have converse...one has brown with rainbow dots, the other has sparkly rainbow covered with black lace.  Neither of these was acceptable by their instructor.

So we headed out in the rain today to get the shoes.  Of course we could not find black in either of their sizes.  Seems the way when I really need something.  After traveling to 4 different stores we settled on black Vans...similar to the converse style but no white toe. 

By the time we finally made our purchase, it was well past lunch time.  All the girls were complaining of being hungry so we stopped at Taco Bell to grab a bite to eat.

I know I had no choice in buying the shoes, but looking back on the decision to go out to eat.......we should have come home instead.  That was an impulse decision.

Today's spending total $89.63
Today's Impulse spending total $19.89



I'm a shopping addict.  I'm the daughter of a shopaholic.  Not that that is a reason for my shopping addiction.  I love shopping.  I love the high, and yes it is a high, I get when in a store and buying.  +

I have known for many years of my addiction.  My husband has as well, but maybe not the FULL extent of my spending.  I have the typical characteristics of a shopaholic; I forget what I buy, I  misplace what I buy, I buy duplicates frequently.  It really is shamful!!

As 2010 begins I have decided to make myself accountable for my purchases.  When I spend I need to be honest about what I spend, why I bought what I did, and how I really feel about it.

So the purpose of this blog is to make myself accountable.  I'm hoping that with dollar figures and items put down in writing I will be able to curtail and even stop my excessive spending.  I know my husband would be happy with that!!
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