Where to begin?? Yesterday was a complete disaster!!
In adition to the shoe purchase I headed to Target while my girls were at dance rehearsal. I only needed laundry detergent and allergy eye drops for my daughter. I came away with laundry detergent, two storage containers, 2 packs of Soft Lip lip balm, the eye drops, 3 magazines and a package of beef jerky.
The lip balm is my favorite and I use it many times a day. My down fall was the two new flavors that have come out....mint and rasberry. Could I have done without them...yes. Result Impulse buy!
The storage crates I have been thinking about getting. One for scrapbbok supplies, the other to house our Wii games. Did I need to buy them yesterday....no...Result Impulse buy!!
The magazines I'll just admit right now I have an addiction to cooking magazines. Could I have done without them...absolutley...Result Impulse buy!!
The Beef Jerky......I'm PMS and craving salt and was hungry. Result Impulse buy!!
Total spending $86.07
Total impulse spending $52.59